Our commitment to human rights is core to our values, especially our values of respect and integrity and corporate responsibility. We incorporate respect for human rights into our Code of Conduct, our programs and policies and our actions each day.

Sims Limited has committed to respecting internationally recognised human rights as set out in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights  and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We strive to exceed basic compliance in our operations, and as a signatory to the UN Global Compact, we incorporate the 10 UN Global Compact Principles to our strategy and operations.

Our Governance Approach

The Sims Limited Code of Conduct sets the standards of behaviour and human rights commitments for our people, along with the commitments we make in our Human Rights Policy.

The Sims Limited Board oversees our approach to human rights including governance and monitoring, as well as overseeing our approach to the identification and remediation of human rights risks. Our risk management team presents at least biannually to the board.

Sims Limited has established a formal Human Rights Remediation Guide for responding to allegations of serious negative impacts and remediating any harms done. We have also developed our Approach to Human Rights guide to help our personnel understand our overall approach.

Sims Limited undertakes human rights due diligence to identify, prevent, and mitigate adverse human impacts in our operations and value chain. We also build our employees understanding through training on general and specific human rights issues, including how to identify and report them. We include case studies for relatable, real-world context to support our people’s understanding.

Modern Slavery

Sims Limited prepares annual Modern Slavery Statements under the UK Modern Slavery Act (2015) and the Australian Modern Slavery Act (2018). Out Statements discuss the risks of modern slavery within our operations and supply chain and the steps we are taking to mitigate them, as well as our response to any issue as they are identified.

Working with Our Supply Chain

Respect for human rights and appropriate governance and risk management are important to preventing human rights abuses in our supply chain. Our supplier code of conduct sets out our expectations in this area and applies to all suppliers to Sims Limited. 

Third parties such as agents also represent Sims Limited and help us conduct our business. We provide specialist training to our agents and buyers on how to identify potential human rights abuses and report them for investigation. We also apply due diligence on areas of our value chain that we have identified as having higher risks of human rights abuses, particularly in our vessel charter process for marine freight.

Sustainability Download Centre

Our purpose and commitments to environmental, social and governance (ESG) best practices guide our strategy. We measure, and report on, our performance and material topics in alignment with leading global ESG assessments, frameworks and standards.